Download Limited Collector's Edition Vol. 4 No. C-39
In late 1972, DC pioneered a new comic format: Tabloid-Sized. The first of these Tabloid-Sized comics also called Treasury Editions appeared before Christmas 1972 and featured Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer in all-new adventures. The 64-page tabloid was priced at $1. The following summer DC returned to the format for a series of bi-monthly specials. The first of these specials featured Shazam and was labeled "Limited Collectors' Edition". DC used a numbering system on the tabloids beginning with #C-21. Like other Giant series of the time such as 100-Page Super Spectaculars, DC used a letter prefix and skipped several numbers. Issues #1-20 do not exist.
TITLE: Limited Collectors' Edition C-39
PUBLICATION DATE: Oct/Nov 1975 (onsale 7/3/1975)
FORMAT: 64 tabloid-sized pages plus covers
COVER ART: Dick Giordano
* Batman: "The Man Behind the Red Hood" (13 pages)
Bill Finger (Writer), Lew Sayre Schwartz (Penciller), George Roussos (Inker)
From Detective Comics #168, February 1951
* Superboy: "How Luthor Met Superboy" (13 pages)
Jerry Siegel (Writer), Al Plastino (Artist)
From Adventure Comics #271, April 1960
* Flash: "The Coldest Man on Earth" (12 pages)
John Broome (Writer), Carmine Infantino (Penciller), Frank Giacoia (Inker)
From Showcase #8, May/Jun 1957
* Captain Marvel: "The Origin of Sivana" (11 pages)
Bill Parker (Writer), C.C. Beck (Artist)
From Whiz Comics #15, March 1941
* "The Origin of Terra-Man" (7 pages)
Cary Bates (Writer), Dick Dillin (Penciller), Neal Adams (Inker)
From Superman #249, March 1972

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